Denon HEOS

The HEOS integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more] is used to connect a HEOS System to Home Assistant. HEOS is a wireless audio ecosystem that allows you to stream music to HEOS Built-in products from Denon and Marantz.

Add this integration to automate playback and group configuration of HEOS-capable products. For example, when a scene is activated, set the volume and play a specific Playlist on your receiver.

Supported functionality

  • Media Player entitiesAn entity represents a sensor, actor, or function in Home Assistant. Entities are used to monitor physical properties or to control other entities. An entity is usually part of a device or a service. [Learn more] for each HEOS-capable product, including speakers, amps, and receivers (Denon and Marantz)
  • Viewing the currently playing media
  • Controlling play mode (e.g., play/pause), volume, mute, and shuffle
  • Playing HEOS favorites, playlists, quick selects, URLs
  • Setting the source to physical inputs (e.g., AUX1)
  • Grouping and ungrouping HEOS devices
  • Clearing playlists


  1. One or more HEOS-capable products.
  2. Optionally, a HEOS Account to access music services, playlists, and favorites.


To add the Denon HEOS hub to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

Denon HEOS can be auto-discovered by Home Assistant. If an instance was found, it will be shown as Discovered. You can then set it up right away.

Manual configuration steps

If it wasn’t discovered automatically, don’t worry! You can set up a manual integration entry:

  • Browse to your Home Assistant instance.

  • Go to Settings > Devices & Services.

  • In the bottom right corner, select the Add Integration button.

  • From the list, select Denon HEOS.

  • Follow the instructions on screen to complete the setup.


Only a single instance of the integration is needed to access the entire HEOS system on the network. It will only connect to a single hostA device that participates in your network. If asked for the host, enter either the device’s IP address or host name. If you don’t know those, check the list of hosts in your router. [Learn more].


The host name or IP address (e.g., “”) of your HEOS-capable product. If you have more than one device, select, or enter a host, that is connected to the LAN via wire or has the strongest wireless signal.

Configuration options

The integration provides the following configuration options. By entering your HEOS Account login information, the integration will be able to access streaming services, playlists, favorites, and other features. The integration will validate and sign in to your HEOS Account when credentials are entered or updated, and will ensure the HEOS System remains logged in while the credentials remain valid. Clearing the credentials will sign the HEOS System out of your account.

  1. Go to Settings > Devices & Services.
  2. Select Denon HEOS. Select Configure.
  3. Enter or clear your HEOS Account credentials.
  4. Select Submit to save the options.

The username or e-mail address of your HEOS Account.


The password to your HEOS Account.


Once setup, the host name or IP address used to access the HEOS System can be changed by reconfiguring the integration.

  1. Go to Settings > Devices & Services.
  2. Select Denon HEOS. Click the three-dot menu and then select Reconfigure.
  3. Enter a new host name or IP address.
  4. Click Submit to complete the reconfiguration.


This integration follows standard integration removal. No extra steps are required.

  1. Go to Settings > Devices & Services.
  2. Select Denon HEOS. Click the three-dot menu and then select Delete.

Playing media

Play a favorite

You can play a HEOS favorite by number or name with the media_player.play_media action. Example action data payload:

action: media_player.play_media
  media_content_type: "favorite"
  media_content_id: "1"
Data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes entity_id of the player(s)
media_content_type no Set to the value favorite
media_content_id no (e.g., 1) or name (e.g., Thumbprint Radio) of the HEOS favorite

Play a playlist

You can play a HEOS playlist with the media_player.play_media action. Example action data payload:

action: media_player.play_media
  media_content_type: "playlist"
  media_content_id: "Awesome Music"
Data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes entity_id of the player(s)
media_content_type no Set to the value playlist
media_content_id no The name of the HEOS playlist

Play a Quick Select

You can play a HEOS Quick Select by number or name with the media_player.play_media action. Example action data payload:

action: media_player.play_media
  media_content_type: "quick_select"
  media_content_id": "1"
Data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes entity_id of the player(s)
media_content_type no Set to the value quick_select
media_content_id no The quick select number (e.g., 1) or name (e.g., Quick Select 1)

Play a URL

You can play a URL through a HEOS media player using the media_player.play_media action. The HEOS player must be able to reach the URL.


The URL (media_content_type) must be 255 characters or fewer due to a limitation in the HEOS firmware.

Example action data payload:

action: media_player.play_media
  media_content_type: "url"
  media_content_id: ""
Data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes entity_id of the player(s) to play the URL
media_content_type no Set to the value url
media_content_id no The full URL to the stream (max 255 characters)

Grouping players


To group HEOS media players together for synchronous playback, use the media_player.join action.


All group_members need to be HEOS media players.

The example action data payload below will expand playback of to the and media_player.bathroom players:

action: media_player.join
    - media_player.bathroom
Data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes The media player entity whose playback will be expanded to the players specified in group_members.
group_members no The player entities which will be synced with the playback from entity_id.


For removing a HEOS player from a group, use the media_player.unjoin action.

action: media_player.unjoin
Data attribute Optional Description
entity_id yes Remove this media player from any player groups.


The HEOS integration makes available the standard Media Player actions.


Actions may fail if they cannot be processed by the HEOS device. For example, attempting to call media_player.clear_playlist when the queue is empty will result in an error. To prevent this from halting a script or automation, set continue_on_error: true in the action call.

Supported devices

Denon and Marantz do not currently publish an inventory of HEOS-enabled devices, however, many receiver and hi-fi products began including HEOS since 2013. Consult your product model to confirm support:

Unsupported devices

Denon and Marantz products before 2013 and non-network connected products (e.g., turntables and some CD players) do not support HEOS.

Data updates

HEOS pushes data to Home Assistant via the local network when data and entity states change in real-time.

Known limitations

  • AVR receiver features, such as zone selection/control and power on/off, cannot be controlled through this integration. Use the Universal Media Player to combine AVR receiver functionality with this integration.
  • TTSTTS (text-to-speech) allows Home Assistant to talk to you. [Learn more] is not supported.
  • The maximum length of a URL that can be used in the play_media action is 255 characters due to a limitation in the HEOS firmware.

Logging and diagnostics

The HEOS integration supports Home Assistant debug logs and diagnostics. Diagnostics are available at both the integration entry and device level.


Missing favorites

Symptom: “The HEOS System is not logged in: Enter credentials in the integration options to access favorites and streaming services”

The message above is logged during integration startup and the source_list attribute of the integration’s media_player entities are empty. Attempting call the media_player.play_media action for favorite and playlist will fail. Other functionality of the integration is unaffected.


To access features, such as favorites, playlists, and streaming services, the HEOS System must be logged in to your HEOS Account. This occurs when credentials are not entered in the configuration options and the HEOS System is in a logged out state.


Enter the credentials to your HEOS Account in the configuration options if you want to access playlists, favorites, and streaming services; otherwise, the logged warning can be ignored. If credentials are entered, the integration will ensure that the HEOS System remains logged in while the credentials remain valid.

Error attempting to submit configuration options

Symptom: “Invalid authentication”


The integration was unable to log the HEOS System in using the credentials provided. An informational log message contains the specific reason, such as: User not found (10) or Invalid credentials (6).


Validate your credentials by logging in to the HEOS Mobile App and then re-enter your credentials in the configuration options and try submitting again.

Symptom: “Unexpected error”


An unexpected error occurred signing in or logging out of your HEOS Account. An error-level log message contains the error information.


Power-cycle the host that the integration is connected to and try again. If the problem persists, open an issue and include the error information.