Heading card

The Heading card structures your dashboard by providing title, icon and navigation. This card supports actions.

Screenshot of heading cards Screenshot of a heading card with a title, badges, and a subtitle.

type: heading
heading: Living room
icon: mdi:sofa
  - type: entity
    entity: sensor.living_room_sensor_temperature
    color: red
  - type: entity
    entity: sensor.living_room_sensor_humidity
    color: deep-purple

Configuration Variables

type string Required


heading string (Optional)

Heading text

heading_style string (Optional, default: title)

Style of the heading. Can be either title or subtitle.

icon string (Optional)

Icon displayed before the heading text.

tap_action map (Optional)

Action taken on card tap. See action documentation. By default, it will do nothing. If an action is configured, a chevron will appear next to the heading text.

badges list (Optional)

Additional small badges to display entity information. See heading badges.

Heading badges

In addition to the heading text, each heading card can show small badges. They are smaller than regular badges and don’t have a background. The heading badges can display sensor information in a compact and minimal style.

type: entity
entity: light.living_room

Configuration Variables

type string Required


entity string Required

Entity ID.

name string (Optional)

Overwrites the entity name. The name will be only displayed if state_content includes name token.

icon string (Optional)

Overwrites the entity icon.

color string (Optional, default: none)

Set the color when the entity is active. By default, it will not be colored. It can be set to the state special token to dynamically color the icon based on state, domain, and device_class of your entity. It also accepts color token or hex color code.

show_icon boolean (Optional, default: true)

Show the icon

show_state boolean (Optional, default: false)

Show the state.

state_content string | list (Optional)

Content to display for the state. Can be state, name, last_changed, last_updated, or any attribute of the entity. Can be either a string with a single item, or a list of string items. Default depends on the entity domain.

tap_action map (Optional)

Action taken on card tap. See action documentation. By default, it will do nothing.