
Community Highlights

From time to time we come along things that are worth sharing with fellow Home Assisters. Here a list of some cool stuff from last week:

First is the public beta of Let’s Encrypt. Let’s Encrypt is a new certificate authority that is free, automated and open. This means that it will now be very easy to secure your connection to Home Assistant while you are away from home. W1ll1am23 has written up a guide how to get started.

The next thing is a show-off of some of the cool stuff people do with Home Assistant. This is miniconfig talking to Home Assistant using the Amazon Echo!

And last but not least, Midwestern Mac did a microSD card performance comparison for the Raspberry Pi. If you’re using a Pi, make sure to check it out!

Survey November 2015

Around a week ago we started with the first survey. Now 30 people have participated. Thank you very much if you did. We think that’s enough time to have some “only partially representative” data. It’s hard to tell how many Home Assistant users are out there. Currently there are 215 members on our Discord chat server and last week PyPI counted 5063 downloads.

The idea was to anonymously collect some details about the usage of the different parts of Home Assistant and a little bit about the environment its running in.

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0.8: Honeywell Thermostats, Orvibo switches and Z-Wave switches and lights

We have all been hard at work to get this latest release ready. One of the big highlights in this release is the introduction of an extended iconset to be used in the frontend (credits to @happyleavesaoc for idea and prototype). To get started with customizing, pick any icon from Material Design Icons, prefix the name with mdi: and stick it into your customize section in configuration.yaml:

      icon: "mdi:air-conditioner"

Backward-incompatible changes

  • Any existing zone icon will have to be replaced with one from Material Design Icons.
  • LimitlessLED light services require colors to be specified in RGB instead of XY.


0.7.6: Amazon FireTV, Radiotherm thermostats

After two weeks of hard work I’m proud to announce the release of Home Assistant v0.7.6. For this release the main focus was bugs, test coverage and documentation. And we exceeded expectations on all three fronts. Bugs have been squashed, test coverage increased to 85% and thanks to the hard work by @fabaff and myself the component section on the website has gotten a complete revamp.


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Report the temperature with ESP8266 to MQTT

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I recently learned about the ESP8266, a $5 chip that includes WiFi and is Arduino compatible. This means that all your DIY projects can now be done for a fraction of the price.

For this tutorial, I’ll walk through how to get going with ESP8266, get the temperature and humidity and report it to MQTT where Home Assistant can pick it up.

Picture of the final setup (+ 2 LED for decoration)

Home Assistant will keep track of historical values and allow you to integrate it into automation.

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0.7.5: Blinkstick, SNMP, Telegram

We discovered two issues annoying enough to warrant the release of 0.7.5:

  • Home Assistant package did not include the CloudMQTT certificate.
  • A bug in the core caused issues when some platforms are loaded twice.

This release also includes some new platforms (because they keep coming!):

Also, the media player was extended by @maddox to support the play media command. This has been implemented for the iTunes platform.

Home Assistant goes geo with OwnTracks

A few weeks have past and it is time again for another release: version 0.7.4. This time we’re very glad to be able to introduce brand new integration with OwnTracks to allow tracking of people on a map. The geo support consists of three different parts:

We have added a new getting started section to get up and running.

Map in Home Assistant showing two people and three zones (home, school, work)

Ofcourse more things happened in the last three weeks. I’m moving away from my usual long post to a short summary of highlights:

Alarms, Sonos and iTunes now supported

It’s like someone opened a can of rock solid developers and emptied it above our chat channel because it exploded with great conversations and solid contributions. Featured in release 0.7.3: Sonos, iTunes, Alarm component and Automation upgrade.

See GitHub for more detailed release notes.

Migration note: the scheduler component has been removed in favor of the automation component.

Sonos Sonos support has been added by @rhooper and @SEJeff. Home Assistant is now able to automatically detect Sonos devices in your network and set them up for you. It will allow you to control music playing on your Sonos and change the volume.

iTunes and airplay speakers @maddox has contributed support for controlling iTunes and airplay speakers. For this to work you will have to run itunes-api on your Mac as middleware.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  platform: itunes
  name: iTunes
  port: 8181
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Remote Monitoring with Glances

Inspired by a [feature requests]( I started looking into the available options to do monitoring of remote hosts. The feature request is about displaying system information in a similar way than the [systemmonitor](/integrations/systemmonitor) sensor does it for the local system. After a while I started to think that it would be a nice addition for a small home network where no full-blown system monitoring setup is present. Read on →

Home Assistant meets IFTTT

Today we announce the release of Home Assistant v0.7.2 which includes brand new support by @sfam to integrate with IFTTT. IFTTT stands for If This, Then That and is a webservice that integrates with almost every possible webservice out there. Adding Home Assistant to this mix means Home Assistant can connect with all via IFTTT.

It is now possible to disable your irregation system if it is going to be cloudy tomorrow or tweet if your smoke alarm goes off.

Head over to the setup instructions to get started with IFTTT. Click the read more button for some example recipes.

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