A lot of Wi-Fi access points and Wi-Fi routers support the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). This is a standardized method for monitoring/managing network connected devices. SNMP uses a tree-like hierarchy where each node is an object. Many of these objects contain (live) lists of instances and metrics, like network interfaces, disks and Wi-Fi registrations.

There is currently support for the following device types within Home Assistant:


This device tracker needs SNMP to be enabled on the router. It could be that you need to install the SNMP support manually.

Presence detection

The following OID examples pull the current MAC Address table from a router. This reflects all recent devices seen on the network. However, since devices are not removed until they time out, this is less effective for device tracker integration page than desirable. It is recommended to use Ping or Nmap instead.

Brand Device/Firmware OID
Aerohive AP230
Apple Airport Express (2nd gen.) 7.6.9 or
Aruba IAP325 on AOS
BiPAC 7800DXL Firmware 2.32e
DD-WRT unknown version/model
IPFire 2.25
MikroTik unknown RouterOS version/model
MikroTik RouterOS 6.x on RB2011
OpenWrt Chaos Calmer 15.05
OPNSense 19.1
pfSense 2.2.4
Ruckus ZoneDirector 9.13.3
TP-Link Archer VR1600v
TP-Link Archer VR2600v
TP-Link Archer VR600
Ubiquiti Edgerouter Lite v1.9.0

To use the SNMP version 1 or 2c platform in your installation, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry for SNMP version 1 or 2c
  - platform: snmp
    community: public

If you want to use encryption, you must enable SNMP version 3 by adding auth_key and priv_key variables and enabling SNMP version 3 on your router. Currently only SHA1 is supported for authentication and AES for encryption. Example of SNMPv3 configuration:

# Example configuration.yaml entry for SNMP version 3
  - platform: snmp
    community: USERNAME
    auth_key: AUTHPASS
    priv_key: PRIVPASS

Configuration Variables

host string Required

The IP address of the router, e.g.,

community string Required

The SNMP community which is set for the device. Most devices have a default community set to public with read-only permission (which is sufficient).

baseoid string Required

The OID prefix where wireless client registrations can be found, usually vendor specific. It’s advised to use the numerical notation. To find this base OID, check vendor documentation or check the MIB file for your device.

auth_key string (Inclusive)

Authentication key for SNMPv3. Variable priv_key must also be set.

priv_key string (Inclusive)

Privacy key SNMPv3. Variable auth_key must also be set.

See the device tracker integration page for instructions how to configure the people to be tracked.

Using templates

For incoming data, a value template translates incoming JSON or raw data to a valid payload. Incoming payloads are rendered with possible JSON values, so when rendering, the value_json can be used to access the attributes in a JSON based payload, otherwise the value variable can be used for non-json based data.

Additional, the this can be used as variables in the template. The this attribute refers to the current entity state of the entity. Further information about this variable can be found in the template documentation


Example value template with json:

With given payload:

{ "state": "ON", "temperature": 21.902 }

Template {{ value_json.temperature | round(1) }} renders to 21.9.


The snmp sensor platform displays information available through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). SNMP uses a tree-like hierarchy where each node is an object, and is mainly supported by network-oriented devices such as routers, modems and printers.

To enable this sensor in your installation, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: snmp

Configuration Variables

accept_errors string (Optional, default: false)

Determines whether the sensor should start and keep working even if the SNMP host is unreachable or not responding. This allows the sensor to be initialized properly even if, for example, your printer is not on when you start Home Assistant.

auth_key string (Optional, default: no key)

Authentication key to use for SNMP v3.

auth_protocol string (Optional, default: none)

Authentication protocol to use for SNMP v3.

baseoid string Required

The OID where the information is located. It’s advised to use the numerical notation.

community string (Optional, default: public)

The SNMP community which is set for the device for SNMP v1 and v2c. Most devices have a default community set to public with read-only permission (which is sufficient).

default_value string (Optional)

Determines what value the sensor should take if accept_errors is set and the host is unreachable or not responding. If not set, the sensor will have value unknown in case of errors.

device_class string (Optional)

Sets the class of the device, changing the device state and icon that is displayed on the frontend.

host string (Optional, default: localhost)

The IP address of your host, e.g.,

icon template (Optional)

Defines a template for the icon of the SNMP sensor.

name template (Optional, default: SNMP)

Defines a template for the name of the SNMP sensor.

picture template (Optional)

Defines a template for the entity picture of the SNMP sensor.

port string (Optional, default: 161)

The SNMP port of your host.

priv_key string (Optional, default: no key)

Privacy key to use for SNMP v3.

priv_protocol string (Optional, default: none)

Privacy protocol to use for SNMP v3.

state_class string (Optional)

The state_class of the sensor.

unique_id string (Optional)

An ID that uniquely identifies this entity. This allows changing the name, icon and entity_id from the web interface.

unit_of_measurement string (Optional)

Defines the units of measurement of the sensor, if any.

username string (Optional)

Username to use for authentication.

value_template template (Optional)

Defines a template to parse the value.

version string (Optional, default: 1)

Version of SNMP protocol, 1, 2c or 3. Version 2c or higher is needed to read data from 64-bit counters.

Valid values for auth_protocol:

  • none
  • hmac-md5
  • hmac-sha
  • hmac128-sha224
  • hmac192-sha256
  • hmac256-sha384
  • hmac384-sha512

Valid values for priv_protocol:

  • none
  • des
  • 3des-ede
  • aes-cfb-128
  • aes-cfb-192
  • aes-cfb-256

Finding OIDs

OIDs may vary on different systems because they are vendor-specific. Besides the device’s manual, the OID Repository is a good place to start if you are looking for OIDs. As an example, the following OIDs are for the load of a Linux system.

  • 1 minute Load:
  • 5 minute Load:
  • 15 minute Load:

There is a large amount of tools available to work with SNMP. snmpwalk let you easily retrieve the value of an OID.

$ snmpwalk -Os -c public -v 2c
laLoad.1 = STRING: 0.19


Printer uptime minutes

According to the most common SNMP standard, the uptime of a device is accessible under OID The value represented using a format called TimeTicks, in units of hundredths of a second.

To create a sensor that displays the uptime for your printer in minutes, you can use this configuration:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: snmp
    name: "Printer uptime"
    accept_errors: true
    unit_of_measurement: "minutes"
    value_template: "{{((value | int) / 6000) | int}}"

The accept_errors option will allow the sensor to work even if the printer is not on when Home Assistant is first started: the sensor will just display a - instead of a minute count.

The value_template option converts the original value to minutes.


The snmp switch platform allows you to control SNMP-enabled equipment.

Currently, only SNMP OIDs that accept integer values are supported. SNMP v1, v2c and v3 are supported.

To use an SNMP switch in your installation:

# Example configuration.yaml entry:
  - platform: snmp

Configuration Variables

baseoid string Required

The SNMP BaseOID which to poll for the state of the switch.

command_oid string (Optional)

The SNMP OID which to set in order to turn the switch on and off, if different from baseoid.

host string (Optional, default: localhost)

The IP/host which to control.

port string (Optional, default: 161)

The port on which to communicate.

community string (Optional, default: private)

community string to use for authentication (SNMP v1 and v2c).

username string (Optional)

Username to use for authentication.

auth_key string (Optional, default: no key)

Authentication key to use for SNMP v3.

auth_protocol string (Optional, default: none)

Authentication protocol to use for SNMP v3.

priv_key string (Optional, default: no key)

Privacy key to use for SNMP v3.

priv_protocol string (Optional, default: none)

Privacy protocol to use for SNMP v3.

version string (Optional, default: 1)

SNMP version to use - either 1, 2c or 3.

payload_on string (Optional, default: 1)

What return value represents an On state for the switch. The same value is used in writes to turn on the switch if command_payload_on is not set.

payload_off string (Optional, default: 0)

What return value represents an Off state for the switch. The same value is used in writes to turn off the switch if command_payload_off is not set.

command_payload_on string (Optional)

The value to write to turn on the switch, if different from payload_on.

command_payload_off string (Optional)

The value to write to turn off the switch, if different from payload_off.

vartype string (Optional, default: none)

The SNMP vartype for the payload_on and payload_off commands as defined in RFC1902.

You should check with your device’s vendor to find out the correct BaseOID and what values turn the switch on and off.

Valid values for auth_protocol:

  • none
  • hmac-md5
  • hmac-sha
  • hmac128-sha224
  • hmac192-sha256
  • hmac256-sha384
  • hmac384-sha512

Valid values for priv_protocol:

  • none
  • des
  • 3des-ede
  • aes-cfb-128
  • aes-cfb-192
  • aes-cfb-256

Valid values for vartype:

  • Counter32
  • Counter64
  • Gauge32
  • Integer32
  • Integer
  • IpAddress
  • ObjectIdentifier
  • OctetString
  • Opaque
  • TimeTicks
  • Unsigned32

Complete examples:

  - platform: snmp
    name: SNMP v1 switch
    community: private
    payload_on: 1
    payload_off: 0

  - platform: snmp
    name: SNMP v3 switch
    version: "3"
    username: "myusername"
    auth_key: "myauthkey"
    auth_protocol: "hmac-sha"
    priv_key: "myprivkey"
    priv_protocol: "aes-cfb-128"
    payload_on: 1
    payload_off: 0

  - platform: snmp
    name: Enable PoE on Netgear switch port 2 using SNMP v3
    version: "3"
    username: "myusername"
    auth_key: "myauthkey"
    auth_protocol: "hmac-sha"
    priv_key: "myprivkey"
    priv_protocol: "des"
    payload_on: 15400
    payload_off: 3000
    vartype: Gauge32